- Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not 100% happy with your original oil painting you have 7 days to notify me and I will refund your payment in full. The cost of return shipping and insurance would be at your cost. The painting must be returned in the condition that it was shipped in. I am happy to say that I have had ONLY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS throughout my career.
- I love having Perfect Balance hanging in our living room to enjoy everyday! Thank you, thank you, thank you! -Seattle, Washington
- I collect your work because I love it! I have pieces from most of your phases and the new stuff is the best! You just keep getting better and better! -New York, New York
- I waited 7 years to find somebody who could paint what I wanted, a sailing ship! This is perfect, just what the room needed! -Vetlanda, Sweden
- When I saw this Leonardo painting I had to have a copy of it and I am glad that I asked you Brandon. I have spent a lot of time looking at her and I find that I really enjoy it! -Gothenburg, Sweden
- Your portrait of me is absolutely fantastic! Your work is just wonderful! -former Governor of Jönköpingslän, Lars Engqvist, Sweden
- I have your painting hanging in my stairway and I enjoy it everyday! -Maui, Hawaii
- You have captured the eyes, the smiles, the expressions of our daughter. AMAZING! We like how you work your portraiture into your body of work. It doesn't matter if they were our daughters or not. They are beautiful besides the point. -Gothenburg, Sweden